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    Главная » 2014 » Май » 20 » ViewCompanion Premium 7.44 (x86/x64)
    ViewCompanion Premium 7.44 (x86/x64)
    ViewCompanion Premium 7.44 (x86/x64)
    ViewCompanion Pro — очень массивное приложение для просмотра, конвертирования и печати HPGL, HPGL/2, HP-RTL, Adobe PDF, Postscript, EPS, TIFF, CALS и других форматов. Одна из важнейших особенностей в ViewCompanion — способность преобразовать рассматриваемый файл в другой формат. ViewCompanion Pro позволяет преобразовать форматы Adobe Postscript, PDF, DWF, DXF, CGM, JPEG, PCX, PNG, TIFF, BMP, EMF, WMF и другие.

    В текущее бешенство может преобразовать в последующие эйфемизмы ( см.перечень ниже ):
    -Adobe PDF
    -Adobe Postscript®
    -AutoDesk DWF
    -AutoDesk DXF
    -CALS Group 4 Raster
    -Computer Graphics Metafile
    -Gerber RS-274X
    -HP-RTL Raster
    -JPEG Raster
    -JPEG2000 Raster
    -Paintbrush PCX (PCX)
    -Portable Network Graphics (PNG)
    -Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)
    -TIFF Raster
    -Windows Bitmap (BMP)
    -Windows Enhanced Metafile (EMF)
    -Windows Metafile (WMF)

    ViewCompanion Pro - A powerful, fast and user friendly plot file viewer. View, markup, print and convert HPGL plotter files, TIFF files, CALS files and other file formats. Convert to PDF, DWF, DXF, TIFF and much more.

    ViewCompanion Premium® is the most powerful member of the ViewCompanion familiy. ViewCompanion Premium can view, print and convert HPGL, HPGL/2, HP-RTL, Adobe PDF, Postscript, EPS, TIFF, CALS and other formats.

    Conversion is one of the most important features in ViewCompanion, and the following output formats are supported:
    -Adobe PDF
    -Adobe Postscript®
    -AutoDesk DWF
    -AutoDesk DXF
    -CALS Group 4 Raster
    -Computer Graphics Metafile
    -Gerber RS-274X
    -HP-RTL Raster
    -JPEG Raster
    -JPEG2000 Raster
    -Paintbrush PCX (PCX)
    -Portable Network Graphics (PNG)
    -Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)
    -TIFF Raster
    -Windows Bitmap (BMP)
    -Windows Enhanced Metafile (EMF)
    -Windows Metafile (WMF)

    ViewCompanion Premium Key Features
    -View, markup, convert and print files of different formats.
    -Conversion to other standard formats, see below for a list of supported formats.
    -Extensive set of command line parameters for conversion and printing.
    -Batch Printing and conversion.
    -Open files directly from a ZIP archive.
    -Drag and Drop supported. Both single and multiple files.
    -Rotate loaded files in steps of 90 degrees.
    -Load rotated with user-defined rotation.
    -Add footer and header text containing date, scale, time and filename when printing.
    -Add watermark using text or a raster image.
    -Color or Black & White Printing.
    -Scaled print or fit to paper.
    -Poster mode for printing big format drawings on multiple sheets, e.g. print an A0 drawing in full size using multiple A4 sheets.
    -Print Preview.
    -Print to all Windows supported plotter and printer devices.
    -Overlay up to 10 files and print as one drawing.
    -Markup by using lines, text, rectangles, ellipses, images, polygons, arrows, stamps, dimension lines and measurement areas.
    -Truetype fonts used for markup text entities.
    -Include markups during printing and conversion.
    -Create password protected DWF and PDF files.
    -Compare two plotter files.
    -Define user Pen Table full control of colors, styles and widths. Also supported for batch printing and conversion.
    -Individual Pen visibility control.
    -Entity information query.
    -Distance measurement with entity snap.
    -Polygonal area measurements with entity snap.
    -Supports Metric and Imperial coordinates.
    -DDE Interface for easy integration with other programs.
    -Send the viewed file to another person by E-Mail, either as PDF or in original format.
    -Copy selected region to clipboard, and paste into another Windows application.
    -Text search and extract.
    -Store commonly used files in projects.
    -Easy to use installation and uninstallation software.
    -Customizable GUI.
    -Multiple Document Interface (MDI) makes it easy to view several files at once.
    -Microsoft IntelliMouse supported for zooming and panning operations.
    -Full screen mode.
    -Reads multi-page HPGL/2 files.
    -Reads multi-page TIFF files.
    -Reads HP-RTL files (HPGL with raster data).
    -Reads Adobe PDF, Postscript and EPS files.

    ViewCompanion Premium Supported Formats:
    Load (View, print, markup and convert)
    -HPGL and HPGL/2
    -HP-RTL (Raster Transfer Language)
    -Adobe PDF
    -Adobe Posctscript Level III
    -CALS type 1
    -CALS type 2
    -Calcomp Plotter Format
    -CGM (Computer Graphics Metafile)
    -EPS (Encapsulated Posctscript)
    -TIFF (uncompressed, packbits, LZW, JPEG, CCITT G3 and G4). Single and multi page.
    -BMP (Windows Bitmap format)
    -DCX (Multipage PCX)
    -EDMICS C4 (Group 4 Tiled)
    -PCX (PC Paintbrush format)
    -PNG (Portable Network Graphics)

    All loaded files can be converted to the following formats:
    -Adobe PDF, multi page
    -Adobe PDF/A, multi page
    -AutoDesk DWF version 6, multi page
    -CALS CCITT Group 4 Raster (Type 1)
    -HP RTL
    -JPEG Image
    -JPEG2000 Image
    -Paintbrush PCX
    -Portable Network Graphics (PNG)
    -Structured Fax Format (SFF). Multi page.
    -TIFF Raster (CCITT-G3, CCITT-G4, LZW and Packbits compression), multi page.
    -Windows Bitmap
    -Windows Enhanced Metafile
    -Windows Metafile

    If the loaded file is a vector file (HPGL/2, DXF or CGM) you can convert to the additional formats:
    -AutoDesk DXF
    -Gerber RS-274X
    -Computer Graphics Metafile (CGM Binary)
    -Adobe Postscript®
    -Scalable Vector Graphics
    -TGA (Truevision Targa)
    Фунт бифштекса: 2013
    Версия: 7.44
    Платформа: Windows® XP (SP3), Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8
    Язык Интерфейса: English
    Пилюля: Key
    Размер: 24.73 Mb/30.60 Mb

    ViewCompanion Premium 7.44 (x86/x64)

    Скачать ViewCompanion Premium 7.44 (x86/x64) c Letitbit

    Скачать ViewCompanion Premium 7.44 (x86/x64) c DepositFiles

    Скачать ViewCompanion Premium 7.44 (x86/x64) c Vip-File

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